School Fees – Year 2024
1 Child / $550 per year
Including $50 “Working Bee” fee
Full Payment: $550
2 Children / $1000 per year
Including $50 “Working Bee” fee
Full Payment: $1000
Grupa Przedszkolna
1 Child / $165 per year
Full Payment: $165
E-Strzelecki Learning
1 Child / $350 per year
Including $50 “Working Bee” fee
Full Payment: $350
How can I pay?
You can send the funds directly to our bank account. Please remember to include a reference note
with your transfer e.g. student’s name, so that we can easily identify the payment.
Bendigo Bank
BSB: 633000
Account number: 162096796
REFEENCE: Name & Surname of the Child
Name of account: The Edmund Strzelecki Melbourne Polish School Incorporated - CREDIT CARD
– Add the selected option to the cart,
– Go to Shop (scroll to the Checkout) to finalise transaction
– Please choose Paypal or Credit Card (Pay as a guest)
When should I pay?
The fee must be paid on the day the child is enrolled in school.
If you are unable to pay the full amount, please contact the principal of the school to arrange for payment in instalments:
As most of the funding requested by the school is awarded mid-year, our school’s budget is mainly based on fees paid by parents. Therefore, we ask you to pay your fees on time.
If your payment is delayed by more than two weeks, an additional $50 will be added.
The Edmund Strzelecki – Melbourne Polish School
9 William Hovell Dr
Endeavour Hills
Victoria 3802
Phone: 0451 457 777
Working Hours
Saturday: 9.00 am – 1.00pm